ACR Electronics, Inc. is launching the new compact, single-unit AISLink CA2 Class A AIS transponder. The commercial standard system offers powerful and frequent transmission of AIS information for the exchange of dynamic and static ship data with other AIS systems, significantly aiding collision-avoidance and improving safety for vessels.
Developed to meet the requirements of global AIS mandates, the ACR Electronics solution is rated to a higher waterproofing standard of IPX7 than most other similar devices. A powerful internal processing engine interprets real-time traffic information that is displayed on a 7-inch high-intensity, full-colour, rapid-response LCD. The coastline map and radar views can be presented in a range of orientation options, while a customizable target list display identifies nearby vessels.
Mikele D’Arcangelo, Vice President of Global Marketing and Product Management, ACR Electronics, said: “It is important that more vessels along our coasts are equipped with AIS, facilitating faster communication, improving navigational planning and marine domain awareness, and enhancing vessel safety. Providing compliance to AIS regulations, our AISLink CA2 Class A device has been designed to offer both commercial operators and recreational boaters a high-performance, compact and reliable solution that is very user intuitive and easy to install.”
The AISLink CA2 has integrated Wi-Fi and USB interfaces for PC and tablet connection and features large illuminated keys and easy-to-grip jog stick. Safety-related messages can be quickly delivered or received by the user, while an instant message and alarm function provides immediate notification of any potential problems or hazards such as the deployment of AIS man overboard devices including the ACR AISLink MOB.
Data such as location, speed over ground and course over ground is calculated automatically using the integrated 99-channel GPS receiver, while the static and voyage related data such as MMSI, call sign and identity, type of ship, destination and ETA is effortlessly programmed into the AIS transponder via a user-friendly intuitive menu interface.
Occupying a minimal amount of bridge space, the CA2 is supplied with GPS antenna and pilot plug, and is suitable for either flush panel or free-standing mounting for easy installation into almost any position or location.
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